A day at Boundless Studios



Mornings are reserved for core skills and afternoons are for hands-on projects and free play with integrated time to reflect, socratic discussions, and time to connect with peers. Learners manage their time, set goals, and track progress, and earn more freedom and responsibility along the way.

DEAR- Drop Everything And Read time is valued in our studio and older learners love to read to to the younger ones.

8:30am -11:30am

Morning starts with a meditation and some movement followed by a Socratic discussion to highlight the focus of the day. During this time they build energy, bring up a community need, as well as inspire and encourage fellow learners. These discussions are often led by our Heroes and operate according to our community rules. They teach analytical, social, and critical-thinking skills in a safe, open environment. The morning launch is followed by a self driven period of independent and small-group work on key cognitive areas. Heroes learn using online state of the art tools or Montessori inspired hands on material.

11:30 am- 1:30 pm

Lunch time and free play outside

Cooking is not only about the action, it is also about discovering new ingredients and understanding what our bodies need.

1:30pm -3:30pm

In the afternoon it’s project time, which we call ‘quests’. Quests are built around a problem, challenge or question the group has identified and wants to solve. Examples of quests are: creating their own business from scratch, planing a fundraising event, designing, planting and caring for a garden, creating a play, and more.

The most important part of this time is that they get to work on what matters to them and experience the whole spectrum from the seed to the fruit. This involves all their senses, cognitive, emotional and interpersonal skills in real life. A quest lasts usually a session (4-5 weeks) , interlinking multiple spheres of learning together, allowing skill mastery, trail and error and are usually accompanied by a narrative that allows each learner to feel and be the hero in the story.

The day ends with studio maintenance and a closing circle of reflection and gratitude.