Our Story

Helena, Arman & Cyrus

It all started when…

We were never a conventional family, we are both entrepreneurs who are passionate about creating an impact in the world and value the journey of personal and spiritual growth. When our son, Arman, was born we knew we didn’t want to send him to a traditional school, since we both feel that the traditional school system “failed” us in some way. We wanted to offer him an opportunity that would enable him to discover his full potential and prepare him to thrive in tomorrow’s world.


Helena Doulger

Co-Founder & Head of Boundless Studios

When I was 17 years old, I lost my parents in a tragic car accident. The time that ensued was the most arduous time in my life, and yet it has also been the greatest catalyst! It allowed me to change my life around, to discover who I am, to heal the past and create a life I’m deeply inspired by today. When I look back, I realize that the biggest tragedy was not losing my parents, loss is an inevitable part of life. The real tragedy was that as a high school graduate I had no tools to deal with this situation. I was completely lost, confused, unsure if I could survive, let alone thrive in life. It felt like my life ended when theirs did. For me this is the biggest failure of the modern day education system; we all graduate with meaningless grades, not knowing ourselves, our worth, our potential and never questioning what this life is really about. We are sent out into the world, poorly equipped to truly grow, thrive and contribute to our collective experience. I knew Arman deserved something different, I wanted to empower him with the tools and environment he needs to create his own extraordinary life.

Until recently, I supported Goalcast as the Head of Human Potential, which is an evolution of the traditional HR role. My mission there was two fold: help each employee to tap into their limitless potential and create an environment we all loved working in. At Goalcast we created a place filled with passionate and creative people coming in everyday to work not because they have to but because they want to. A place where each person takes ownership of their work, has creative freedom and where failures are celebrated. I remember looking at what we created at Goalcast and thinking to myself, this is what a school should be like.  

Cyrus Gorjipour

Co- Founder and CEO at Goalcast &  Co-founder at Boundless Studios

While growing up, I had a challenging time at school and at some point I even dropped out from college which followed a time of deep depression in my life. My dream was to build my own business and create an impact in the world. School was not interesting to me and showed no pathway to my dreams. Instead, it left me feeling like a failure that would never amount to anything. Shortly after, I picked up a psychology textbook and could not put it down. I was fascinated. The concept that sparked my interest the most was the theory of internal and external locus of control.  I could see this concept at work in my own life.  I had blamed everyone and everything around me for my situation and never taken ownership for any of it myself.  So I decided to change my attitude. I started setting goals for myself and achieving them. I had never done anything like that before and it felt amazing! I was empowered to do more. Eventually I went back to school and finished my degree in Economics, but my true education came from books, and from the biographies of heroes that inspired me. Today I’m the co-founder and CEO of Goalcast, the world's leading empowering media company based in Montreal. 

The thought of changing education by empowering children to find their calling and live a life of purpose is exciting and deeply rewarding to me. This is why when my wife, Helena, found Acton, I unquestionably said YES to this new adventure. 

At Last…

After visiting a few private and alternative schools in Montreal, we were still not satisfied and we knew we had to keep looking, this is when we stumbled upon Acton. The philosophy, approach and model Acton brings resonated with us in a profound way and we knew we had to bring it to Quebec. We are proud to be launching Boundless Studios and to be the first Acton opening in Montreal.  


Our Advisors


Jeff Sandefer - Co- Founder of the original Acton Academy

Jeff Sandefer lives a dual life as an entrepreneur and a Socratic Guide.  As an entrepreneur, he founded his first company at age 16 and went on to found or co-found seven successful businesses.

As a Socratic teacher at the University of Texas, Jeff’s students five times voted him the school’s Outstanding Teacher and Businessweek named him one of the top Entrepreneurship professors in America. Jeff went on to co-found the Acton School of Business, an MBA program perennially ranked by the Princeton Review among the best in the nation. In 2012 The Economist honored him as one of the top fifteen Business School professors in the world.

Jeff is a graduate of the Harvard Business School, where he served for over twenty years on the school’s governing committees. He was a longtime director of the Philanthropy Roundtable and National Review magazine and one of the youngest members ever elected to the Texas Business Hall of Fame.


Laura Sandefer- Co- founder of the original Acton Academy

Laura lived on both US coasts and in between as a child, then settled into Vanderbilt University for her undergraduate studies in the College of Arts and Science. After being awarded the highly competitive Walter Wattles Fellowship at Lloyd's of London, Laura worked in the aviation insurance industry in New York City.

Deciding to follow her calling into the world of education, Laura returned to Nashville and earned her Master of Education at Peabody College. This led her to continue her work at the Oklahoma Arts Institute, creating fine arts education programs for teachers and talented high school students.

Laura married Jeff Sandefer and is the happy mother of Sam and Charlie, and step-mother to Taite. It is the inspiration of these children that led Laura and Jeff to co-found Acton Academy.

Her greatest hero is her mother, who was a Master Teacher. Her wisest mentor is her father who sent her off to college with two words of advice: "Be Curious."
